The International Conference on Federalism, Devolution of power and Inclusive Democracy will revolve around three central themes:


Intergovernmental Coordination and Cooperation in Federal Systems:

The conference will provide a platform to explore effective mechanisms for coordination and cooperation among various tiers of government within federal systems. Participants will engage in comprehensive discussions on sharing responsibilities, managing conflicts, and fostering collaboration for holistic governance.


Equitable Distribution of Fiscal and State Resources:

Addressing the issue of resource allocation and distribution is crucial in ensuring balanced development across all regions. Attendees will delve into strategies for fair fiscal practices and optimal utilization of state resources to minimize disparities and promote sustainable growth.


Inclusion in Decentralized Governance:

Inclusivity is at the core of democratic principles under the Constitution of Nepal, 2015. This theme will facilitate conversations on how to ensure marginalized voices are heard and included in decision-making processes within decentralized structures, fostering a truly representative and participatory democracy.

The themes outlined above can be expanded into expert papers, either with or without modifications, as described below, giving focus on assessment of implementation of federalism in Nepal and areas for improvement. Therefore, we invite potential paper writers to express their interest in working on either the provided topics or their revised versions.


Best Practices in Intergovernmental Coordination: Lessons from Established Federal Systems: This paper could review or explore successful mechanisms and strategies for intergovernmental cooperation from federal systems worldwide.

Conflict Resolution and Collaborative Governance in Federal Structures: Analyzing effective conflict resolution mechanisms and strategies for fostering cooperation between tiers of government within federal systems.

Balancing Responsibilities: Division of Powers in Federal Structures: Examining how responsibilities are shared and balanced among different tiers of government and the impact on governance.

Legal Frameworks for Effective Intergovernmental Coordination: A study of legal structures and provisions that promote collaboration and coordination among federal government units.

Interstate (Interprovincial) Compacts and Agreements: Tools for Intergovernmental Cooperation: Analyzing the role of interstate agreements in enhancing collaboration among states in a federal system.

Challenges and Prospects of Intergovernmental Relations in Emerging Federal Systems: An exploration of the specific challenges faced by new federal systems and prospects for improving coordination.


Equitable Resource Allocation Models in Federal Systems: Analyzing various resource allocation models used in federal systems to promote balanced development.

Fiscal Federalism and Economic Growth: Evidence from Case Studies: Examining the relationship between fiscal federalism and economic growth in different regions.

Optimal Utilization of State Resources: A Path to Sustainable Development: Exploring strategies for the efficient and sustainable use of state resources in the context of federalism.

Resource Disparities and Regional Development in Federal States: Investigating the impact of resource disparities on regional development and potential solutions.

Equalization Payments and Fiscal Fairness in Federal Systems: Analyzing the role of equalization payments in reducing fiscal disparities and ensuring fairness.

Innovations in Resource Allocation: Technology, Data, and Transparency: Discussing innovative approaches using technology and data to ensure transparent and equitable resource allocation.


Enhancing Indigenous People and Minority Participation in Decentralized Decision-Making“: Strategies for ensuring the inclusion of marginalized groups in decentralized structures.

Gender Inclusion in Local Governance: Lessons from Successful Initiatives: Examining best practices for promoting gender equality and representation in decentralized decision-making.

Inclusive Decision-Making Processes: A Comparative Analysis: Comparative analysis of inclusive decision-making mechanisms in different countries with decentralized governance.

The Role of Civil Society in Promoting Inclusion in Decentralized Structures: Exploring the influence of civil society organizations in fostering inclusivity in decentralized governance.

Constitutional Legal Frameworks for Inclusive Decentralization“: Examining the legal provisions and policies that support inclusive governance at the local level.

Inclusion Index: Measuring Progress Towards Inclusive Decentralization: Discussing methodologies for measuring and assessing progress in achieving inclusive decentralized governance.

These paper topics are for general guidance and should provide a comprehensive overview of the key issues and potential solutions within each of the conference themes. The topics may be merged with each other. Researchers and scholars can use these topics as a starting point to delve deeper into specific aspects of federalism, devolution of power, and inclusive democracy.

While Nepal is embarking on its federal journey, it is crucial to draw insights from the comparative experiences of countries in the South Asia and Asia-Pacific region. Examining successful models of federalism and decentralized governance in the South Asia and the Asia Pacific countries allows Nepal to identify best practices that can be tailored to its unique context. Learning from the experiences of nations such as India, Australia, and Indonesia can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t in federal systems. Comparative experiences also help Nepal to anticipate potential challenges and pitfalls that may arise during the implementation of federalism. By studying the struggles and solutions of other countries, Nepal can proactively address issues and make informed policy decisions.

Engaging with neighboring nations in discussions on federalism and inclusive democracy fosters regional cooperation and collaboration. These exchanges can lead to shared strategies, resources, and support, strengthening the overall success of federalism in the region. This also enhances policy innovation. Exposure to diverse experiences encourages innovative thinking. Nepal can adapt and innovate on the principles of federalism based on the lessons learned from other countries. This can lead to more effective and context-specific policies.

By embracing the comparative experiences of countries in South Asia and the Asia-Pacific region, Nepal can chart a course towards a more robust, inclusive, and successful federal system. The International Conference on Federalism, Devolution of Power, and Inclusive Democracy at KUSOL will serve as a platform for these valuable cross-border discussions, further enriching the nation’s federal journey.